Thursday, December 16, 2010

Interesting bloke.. Dani Rodrik

Saw a reference to him in an article in the "NZ Listener" (18dec2010) Business page - more later, because i first read the article "Plugging Away" last Wednesday evening & got this horrible sinking feeling, couldn't sleep & eventually decided it was all that bloody cheap (& really good) coffee they have @ 'The Governor's' cafe in George St Dunedin.  I'd drunk far too much of it & was still fizzing away @ idiot-o'clock the next day {sigh}..

There was a New Zealand Institute reference: "Plugging The Gap" in the above article, whose author Rick Boven referred to Rodrik's approach called 'Growth Diagnostics' ..

Rodrik's blog is here, & his commentaries are listed here.

When i was a kid, every call for industrialization (to make us less dependent on imports) was met with the cry "We're-a-farming-country-We're-a-farming-country-We-should-leave-that-to-other-countries-who-are-better-at-it" & it took me a very very long time to work out the agenda of those who were saying these things, & they weren't talking about farming!

What they meant was "We're-a-commodity-exporting-country-&-we-can't-afford-a-high-wage-economy"..

..but i've been here before, eh!!

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