Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Year New Year!

No, i'm not making any New Year Resolutions - they don't work anyway..
(i s'pose i could try getting out of bed earlier).

What i would like to do is get my house tidied before summer's over; 
get that leak in the hall roof fixed 
 (instead of a collection of buckets that need emptying now & then);
de-junk the place & organise the stuff i want to keep;
fix the leak in my old hot-water header tank & set it up as a rain butt 
 (instead of buckets out on the deck collecting rain from a spouting leak);
grow more (& better - as in "better cared for') pot-plants..

As for pot-plants, i'd really like ones that attract bumblebees - i love watching them!
If i'm walking down my front path & i see one on a flower i have to pass, i'll stop & watch so as not to disturb her in her work.

And that footpath would  easier to negotiate if it weren't overgrown with grass & weeds.  A few weeks back, i broke out the grubber i'd bought months previously & chipped all the weeds out of the middle of the path.  I can now drag a wheely-suitcase full of damp washing up to the house without busting a gut.
Fixing my broken washing-machine would be better tho' - turned it off at the wall-socket coz i was in a hurry; nasty graunching noise as the spin-cycle brake clamped full on &, i suspect, broke or dislocated the drive. 

Bought an old golf-trundler from the city landfill's recycling centre (for $4!!), which i hope to use for lugging stuff up from my car, which lives permanently on the street, about 50 metres & 2 flights of steps from my front door!  Mind you, it's good exercise shouldering stuff up & down but it plays hell with my back! And when you have a walking-stick (aka cane) in one hand it's harder still; i've slipped & taken a header more than once on the way down to the street, so addressing the deck clutter would help, too.

Notice anything about the list above?

I haven't used the words must, should  or ought to at all.  I used to have a real problem with mental list-making - i'd see something that could do with being fixed/tidied/junked & without even verbalising it i'd be making mental notes: must do something about that, must do something about that,  & it drove me bonkers!!  I'd end up lying on my bed watching TV & refusing even to think about 'all the things that had to get done'!  
Result?  Nothing got done, things piled up, washing in the laundry basket, dishes in the sink, junk-mail on the floor, & stuff i brought home dumped inside the front door (except for food - that got put away), because i'm not physically fit enough to luggin shopping bags & the like up to my house without feeling knackered by the time i get to the front door - i just drop everything & lie down for a while, then forget about it..

I'm slowly working my way thru the chaos by saying to myself "Hmm, now if i wanted to tidy that up, i should  probably start by doing.. .. .." & it works!  I don't wind up going bonkers, & i do get whatever-it-was actually done!  It's great!

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