Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cars - me this time (sort of..)


Well, this time it was me.  But i can't believe that road-marking follow-up truck tried to run us off the road just because i went to overtake him - he was doing about 10kph & i was taking my friend J for an appointment!  So of course i went to overtake - & he swerved at us!  Nearly ran us into the ditch!
I don't think it was me that time..

..but it was when i hit the bus on the main street. Just a glancing blow & little damage - because i have a Sensible Car, With Sensible Rubber Bumpers, instead of those ridiculous painted metal things that bend when you breathe on them & cost a minimum of $300+ to fix & repaint!!

I was stuck on an inside lane behind some dorky woman who couldn't be bothered telling anyone behind her where she was going, until it suddenly occurred to her to switch her indicator on - duh!!  I shouldn't've gotten angry!  If i hadn't, i'd've looked properly in my rear-view mirror & seen the bus coming.  As it was, i backed up slightly & went to switch to the outside lane & Bang! Bang! Bang! as my (rubber) bumper bounced us off the side of the bus & scared the crap out of my friend J (who was sitting in the front passenger seat - the "suicide seat" or "75-percenter" as i've heard it called).  She was very frightened & in tears, & i was mortified because i really felt it wasn't entirely my fault, but when i wound down my window to ask (rudely, i admit) the other driver if she knew where her indicators were, she told me that where she was going was none of my business!!

Unbelievable!!  It most certainly was my business - not her final destination - don't know, don't care- but definitely whether or not she's turning, going straight ahead or whatever!  AND telling other road users about her intentions!

What part of "compulsory signaling of all turns" did she not understand??

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