Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Motor-mouth..Dear Helium..

It's not that i'm a real motor-mouth, just that when i get started, i switch from topic to topic until i run out of steam, or i notice my audience getting a little restive.

I need to get out of the house at least every couple of days, or i go stir-crazy (or lie in bed feeding my face).  
Even if all i do is have a coffee in some public place like a cafe (or the Vehicle Testing Station, where my car got its latest Warrant of Fitness without a hitch - surprise, surprise!), 
read a zine, or earwig sometimes (but i completely forget the topic of conversation unless it's something on which i could've voiced an opinion, then i remember what i Would Have Said..), tho if it's personal to someone i quickly lose interest - can't be doing with gossip - boring boring..

Dear Helium!! 
It looks like you're not too long for this world - well, this earth actually, according to an article in "New Scientist" magazine - projections have you gone by 2030.
I'm really surprised you're here at all, coz you're lighter than air, & should've been all gone millions of years ago, but there have been underground reserves, & the US has kept a national helium reserve since 1925, one billion cubic metres (1 000 000 000m3) at a recent count, until a 1996 US Congress ordered that it all be hocked off by 2015 - Duh!.

What part of 'irreplaceable resource' did they not understand?

Who was US President then?  I can't remember, off the top of my head..
(Can't be bothered finding out, either, easy tho it is with the WFSE)

1 comment:

  1. WoF without a hitch?
    Well, not entirely..
    Needed a couple of new tyres, but at least i didn't have to put it into the garage for new rear shockies - next time probably..
