Monday, August 23, 2010

I luv the funny little WotWots.. & Radio New Zealand Concert

"The WotWots" run daily on TVNZ's morning children's session on TV2, & they're cute & so funny!  Two little aliens, DottyWot & her brother SpottyWot have landed (been stranded in?) their steampunk spaceship in what looks like Auckland zoo. Their steampunk hoverchairs run on fruit juice  & every new day we get get to check in & ask them about their explorations & any new animals they find via their Sneak-a-Peek periscope..

Yesterday's 'Composer of the Week' on Radio New Zealand Concert talked about Estonian musician Arvo Part. I'm so pleased to hear more of him than 'Fratres' & 'Spiegel im Spiegel', because they're only part of his musical style.  TG 4 RNZ Concert - i wake up @ some ridiculous hour & there's a good chance that their all-night program (thank you, 6-CD auto-changer, 4 making it economically possible) will have something i really like -Pascal Roge's fabulous performance of Ravel's Piano Concerto for Left Hand or Mahler's Ruckert songs (i'm a sucker for mezzos & contraltos - i first heard the great Kathleen Ferrier @ a little party 20 years ago; just blew me away!), Dvorak's Slavonic Dances or 'New World' Symphony (yay Mariss Jansons), Bartok's Music for Strings Percussion & Celesta, Borodin, Prokofiev, Debussy, Haydn, de Falla, Granados, Mozart. Beethoven, Bach, Sibelius, you-name-it..
Hehehe - one of my IT lecturers once joked that he had only to mention Shostakovich in the staff-room to kill a conversation stone-dead..

I'll listen to anything good: jazz, classical, rock, country, techno (& its 'classical' cousin minimalism - cf. Kraftwerk & John Adams or Steve Reich), even heavy metal (but only in places with a good - loud - sound system)..

1 comment:

  1. The "WotWots" credits list:
    Auckland Zoo & Wellington Botanic Gardens.
    I think that's where their space/airship landed..
