Friday, September 10, 2010

Aussie election - YAAWN!

Well, well, well ('3 holes in the ground') the Aussies have a government!  Woohoo!
And it took only a fortnight - not long at all really{dribble}..
It takes longer than that to get Cabinet Ministers up & running, familiar with their portfolios, avoiding premature foot-in-mouth disease (that comes later - & inevitably), figuring out how much of the less main-stream parts of the ruling party's agenda can make it through the Legislature..

What is/was all the fuss about?  It was never a 'hung' parliament - there were always at least two options open: a Labor-led government or one led by the other lot (?? - like i can be bothered)..
What else could've happened immediately? 

Five-eighths of SFA, that's what!  

There's a constitutional procedure to be followed: the G-G asks both major parties if either can form a government; nothing new there.  OK, so it wasn't the usual winner-takes-all outcome, but to listen to all the hysterical nonsense you'd've thought the Sky Was Falling - poor li'l Chicken-Lickens!

Really the only potential constitutional problem would be if neither party could guarantee 'Confidence & Supply', & even then you could still get a minority government though the G-G mightn't've been too struck on that..
Other than that, it's just a matter of governing sitting-day to sitting-day - you win some, you lose some; what's the problem?

Yes, yes, all right, the hard-liners are going to be really p**ssed off at not being able to deal to their opponents without so much as a by-your-leave (no five-minutes-to-midnight stuff jammed thru Parliament under 'urgency' or whatever),
but that's Democracy for you!!

Great, eh!!

It'll take ages for the worst to come to the worst (if it ever does, which i now doubt very much indeed), but that would mean:
1. Julia Gillard's government alienates the Independents so much that they withdraw C&S & her government falls to a Motion of No Confidence;
2. Tony Abbot's mob get asked if they can rustle up the numbers to get a C&S agreement & form a government, (the G-G does his stuff);
3. That fails, & the G-G enquires as to any other possibilities, lots of re-jiggling of political alliances, & eventually..
4. Nothing comes of all the horse-trading & another election looms.. Oh dearie me, that's going to p*ss the public off more than anything else: having to listen to all the bullsh*t all over again..

That's all, folks, nothing to worry about..

Now can we talk about something more interesting, like the Canterbury earthquakes!

1 comment:

  1. Liberal-National, that's the party name i was trying to think of..
    Yeah, that one(s)

