Saturday, July 30, 2011

It's been a lo-o-oong time..

I should've been posting more often.. 

and of course there have been happenings:
1) CHC had yet another major quake;

2) Japan had a much much worse one (Richter 9) & a massive tsunami to boot;

3) the Japanese tsunami was 10 metres (yes that's right!!) high..
    .. & destroyed a nuclear power installation @ Fukushima..
    .. so badly the Japanese are now rethinking the whole nuclear option!

4) the inquiry into the Pike River coal mine disaster (29 dead!) is under way..
    .. & the evidence presented so far is absolutely damning!

5) Rupert Murdoch's print empire is wobbling after the 'Phonegate' scandal..
    .. @ least that's what i'd call the phone-hacking affair which..
    .. just gets worse & worse, with casualty after casualty!

6) A Far-Right Anti-Islamic Nut-Case butchered 78 people in Norway..
    .. with a 6-tonne fertiliser bomb in Oslo & a spray of gunfire on Utoya Island.
    .. i'm NOT even going to name him, let alone give any links!
    .. well, i could give him an acronym - the FRAINC..
    .. but i don't want him to be (in)famous..

7) as of writing, the US government is 3/4 days away from defaulting..
    .. a US$14trillion debt is going to fall unless the Republican wingnuts yield..
    .. to reality!  At least, that's how i see it..

so far, so grim..

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