Thursday, February 24, 2011

Some sciencey stuff..

Feeling a bit better today, dunno about tomorrow..

Here's a quake map at the actual event time, courtesy of  GeoNet,
an engineering report, (The 'second' CHC earthquake) courtesy of Science Media Centre.

Watched Bill Goff on TV yesterday, talking about the sweeping Ministerial powers operative during this event period - he voted for them but stressed that he & others would be watching very carefully!
Yes, i took my cue from others writing on that subject, but that's because i agree with them!  Are these powers really necessary?  What scenarios did their authors have in mind?

Then there was the CTV site decision - & a reassessment .  As i commented earlier, i think it was what that top cop said & how he said it, rather than the actual decision: it made a helluva lot more sense when the Grand Chancellor Hotel situation was explained!  It hasn't gone down yet, but when it does.. look out!

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