Monday, August 9, 2010

Here we go again..

Out comes the old mantra about "Welfare Dependency"!

Certain ignorant elements of society can't seem to get enough the of 'beneficiary-bashing' kick.
According to these 'experts', beneficiaries are 'locked into welfare dependency' [sigh..!]

Can't these twits get it right??  
They seem to have a built-in ability to get things a**e-about-face'!

Beneficiaries are NOT locked INTO 'welfare dependency',
they're locked OUT OF just about everything else except jail,
& the above twits would be more than happy to lock more of them in there, too.

Chaotic home lives & our chronic unemployment hangover lock them 
*out of educational progress,
*out of decent housing,
*out of even halfway decent employment, 
*out of any redress for getting laid off/fired inside 90 days,
*out of the belief that there's any rhyme or reason for their position,
*out of any career path that would see them on a par with their middle-class critics
 (who seldom have even the faintest idea of how the other half lives),
 .. i could go on..

 Someone whose life has more or less run on rails 
(& has been able to put major effort into their journey)
is most unlikely to understand someone else whose life-path 
is more like an obstacle course littered with hostile influences 
& in some cases thoroughly hostile people.

I don't know if some mothers feed their kids take-aways because food kept in the house is merely a target for the neighbourhood's feral males, but i wouldn't be surprised.  Ditto for growing your own vegies,  advocated by some Treasury ning-nong at the start of Rogernomics, or Ruthanasia or Jennycide, i forget which..  The bare backyards of some state-housing estates are a defence against theft more than anything else - anything left outside grows legs & disappears! 

 Lots of this kind of stuff has already been high-lighted in the past, but somehow short-term memory seems widespread among certain sections of society.

Either that, or they're trying really hard to peddle the same old rubbish in the hope that the rest of us are stupid.

1 comment:

  1. Just read 'Elsewoman's post "On not protecting children".
    Had to say something..
