Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hey 'chameleon' car, we can't see you..

Good to see the Automobile Association having a go at 'chameleon' cars in dodgy weather conditions.
I've been driving with my headlights on (even in daylight!) for years now; my theory is:
"i want Dumb & Dumber to see me before i have to avoid them!".

So when i was on the road from Port Chalmers to Dunedin last week, dodgy visibility - the kind of gray, drizzly weather in Dunedin that Jafas complain about - i took a little note of the cars i saw with their headlights
And there seemed to be a lot of gray cars, which is weird really, because they're harder to see than most.  What is it with the owners of gray cars? Do they want to be like the chameleon, as the AA suggests, & blend into the road?  'Cause if they do, they'll do more than 'blend' into the road if one one of those log-trucks (which are often lit up like xmas trees) fails to notice them making a right-hand turn across its path, or even anyone else really..

My other whinge is about drivers who don't know the rules for turning into multi-lane roads.  I sit patiently behind the guy 'dutifully' giving way to traffic turning right into a multi-lane - i know he's got the wrong idea - but the drivers who really get my goat barge across two or three lanes to get to one they want, & go berko if you assert your 'rights' to turn into the lane on your immediate left..

Mr blue 'beamer' with the "I1" plates (years ago now, when i was driving an old olive-green dunga of a Morris Marina wagon), you know who you are: flashing your lights & blaring your horn at me because i didn't (have to) 'give way' to you.  
You got really upset, but i just thought "Go on, hit me, i'll call the cops & your insurance company won't be too impressed either"..

That's my wee rant for the day.

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