Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day for Night - well, summer Was coming.. :-[

Just when i was getting back on track..
Yes, this Is a whinge!

Had to leave class last week because of my recurring problem with re-entering 'society' i.e. other people - i cop their infectoids: viruses, bacteria etc, in this case a miserable little cold!  Now i'm behind again, been stuck @ home with a computer with:
* inadequate memory, which may require a 'credit card upgrade'
* a woefully slow broadband connection (ditto my neighbours, i've checked).

Makes getting around the web bloody tedious, & downloading even more so!

So, i've been flagging the 'puter & watching TV instead:
* late-night ARL (Aussie rugby league) certainly helps, but i'll watch Trackside even though i'm definitely not a punter at all;
* looking forward to the 'Log o' Wood' challenge (Ranfurly Shield!) - GO Southland!!  Bang those Jafas!
* 'Top Gear' can generally be relied upon for the kind of hilarious idiocy that makes it entertaining for more than just petrol-heads - they've even been known to include diesels in their line-ups..  not to mention their daft racing challenges, usually along the lines of Car vs Public Transport, tho' they've also included bicycles & speed-boats (across London), & bizarre things like downhill racing (skis), parachutes (including one of those man-made squirrel-glider things!), bobsled, dog-sled (Richard 'Hamster' Hammond), light aircraft (James 'Captain Slow' May with Hammond) & rock-wall climbers. 
And once or twice, of course, Jezza Clarkson's Nemesis, Sabine Schmitz - the Queen of the Nurburgring, who jeered at his barely-under-10-minute round of the 'Ring' by telling him she could do that time in a van!

All good fun, but not helping me get any work done.. {sigh}

It's now nearly 3a.m. & cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the Stags DID bang those Jafas, but only just! 9-6 to the LogHolders, a match of attrition; doubtless the Antarctic conditions helped the Invergigglonians..
    :-) :-D
