Wednesday, October 20, 2010

{sigh} - Dunedin Motorists, again.. :-(

Not grey cars this time (tho the offender was grey)..

No.. i'm following another car into town along Ravensbourne Rd, & just by the shops we have to overtake a cyclist;  so we both move toward the middle of the road to give him room.
I cross the centre-line a bit, so i indicate 'right' just to alert any on-coming Dumbo to that fact.

Out of a parking space in front of the shops, With No Bloody Indicators At All, comes this little darkish grey sports car, straight towards us!  I nearly didn't see her..

..because I Was Watching A Fully-laden Truck-&-trailer approaching me & bloody nearly on top of her!!

Yes 'JENAFR', you know who you are even if you don't remember the incident!  Do you know how close you came to greasing a f**king great truck sump with your head??!!  You probably didn't even notice, you moron!

Darwin Awards aside, it would've upset quite a few people & wasted a helluva lot of other people's time!


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