Wednesday, September 22, 2010

More on the Christchurch/Canterbury Earthquake

AFAIK the aftershock count is well in excess of 700
(it could even have topped 800 by now)..

It's taking its toll.

But i had to include this from Adrienne Rewi
because of its bizarre photos of the current state of 
the Avon river!
As she says in her blog, 
"Somehow you half expect buildings and other man-made structures to tumble in an earthquake but I for one, did not expect to see the ground spurting little volcanoes of sand and water. And I certainly did not ever think I would see a river disgorged of its water, its bed twisted and bulging like some giant muddy abcess."

A sobering thought - what i recall of the Avon didn't look at all like that!

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