Friday, March 9, 2012


The sh*t never stops, does it!

Syria's still a horrible mess;  Egypt's looking a bit dodgy, maybe Libya too;  Greece is hanging on by the skin of its teeth;  the Iranians & North Koreans are still doing their 'nuclear thing' tho what that might actually be is unclear as yet; the EU still has the 'wobbles'; & some really weird sh*t is coming out of the US in this presidential election year..

Back home, the Christchurch earthquake fallout isn't going away;  the West coast's Pike River mine disaster keeps on revealing new horrors; fallout from a ballooning catastrophe that cost 11 lives;  PM John Key's insistence on hocking off our resources to the highest bidder - only 'the Maoris' are getting in the way, & more power to them for doing so!  & for some reason unknown to ordinary mortals like me, the government is set to change our (not entirely unique) right-turning-traffic-right-of-way rule later this month - why?  What's wrong with it in a country that isn't paved all over with multi-lane roads?

& as if the hidden cost of (my home town) Dunedin's new stadium wasn't enough, the 126-year-old Otago Rugby Football Union is broke, in debt, & looking at liquidation - how the f**k did that happen?!!

I s'pose i should spare a cheer for us wining the Rugby World Cup; but also for Valerie Adams' on-going world record-breaking shot-put performances; the Breakers'  high standing in the Aussie basketball league (they won it last season); we have skiers, snow-boarders, promising track & field performers; water sports stars; even some not-too badly performing soccer players & (maybe) cricketers, etc.. 

We also have National Debt, student debt, endless emigration to the West Island (Australia), welfare 'crackdowns' (they really believe all this drivel about 'welfare dependency' as if more jobs weren't the obvious answer), the underlying agenda behind much of this stuff being concealing from the public the desire of certain sections of the economy to see this country remain a low-wage area - they never say so, of course, they just say 'we' are not working hard enough, police cutbacks (room for private law-enforcement agencies?) along with a huge new prison at Wiri (south of Auckland)..
